Maple Farm Animal Sanctuary - Mendon MASS
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MFS Rescues Goose Whose Family Was Attacked by a Coyote

Maple Farm Sanctuary recently welcomed a new goose to our gaggle: Tony, a Tufted Roman Goose.

Tony was being raised as a companion animal along with three other geese in a private backyard. They lived in a rural area, and sadly, one day after the geese were let outside, three of them were attacked and killed by a coyote. The family was devastated by the loss of the geese and knew that they would also have to find Tony a safer place to live. They also wanted Tony to find a home with other geese.

MFS was glad to take Tony in and give him a safe and loving home. Here, he will never have to worry about being attacked by a coyote again, as our animals are protected from coyotes by our resident guard dogs, who keep the coyotes at bay without hurting them.

Tony is slowly becoming part of MFS gaggle and spends his days hanging out in our front lawn and splashing in our pools. We have also found him out back a few times visiting with the Canadian geese who frequently stop by the sanctuary!

Here are some more photos of our handsome new goose:

Above: Tony is introduced to the curious MFS gaggle.

Above: Geese like Tony (and other birds) often stand on one foot as a means of conserving body heat.

Above: Tufted Roman geese were named for the small tuft of feathers on their heads, which reminds many people of a tiny hat.