Maple Farm Animal Sanctuary - Mendon MASS
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August - A Very Special Thank You!

An anonymous donor has stepped forward and had all of the barn roofs replaced for the animals! This wonderful soul came to MFS and saw how the barns were all leaking and understood what a monumental undertaking it would be for us to raise enough money to complete the job. The entire job was completed in three days! We owe our deep appreciation to this kind soul….Thank you!

August - We Have A Replacement Truck!

Our old truck's engine caught on fire in July and we were desperately in need of a truck to perform our daily chores! Thank you to everyone who donated to MFS to help us buy a replacement truck! We were able to buy a used truck…it may be old but it runs well and does the job.

February - Welcome Happy!

A new goat arrived this week after his owner was no longer able to care for him. He is sharing a stall with Jitterbill, another new arrival, as they both become familiar with all of the new sounds and smells of the barn. Happy is truly a Happy goat! He loves attention and getting his head scratched.

July - Vegan Potluck and Book Club

Thanks to everyone who came to our vegan potluck and book club on The World Peace Diet! We lucked out with the weather and had three beautiful Sundays to sit on the front lawn and enjoy fantastic food, friends and conversation!

"The World Peace Diet has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society based on the truth of the interconnectedness of all life. It is the first book to make explicit the invisible connections between our culture, our food, and the source of our broad range of problems—and the way to a positive transformation in our individual and collective lives."

March - Donation from Boston Vegetarian Society

Thank you to our friends at the Boston Vegetarian Society for donating profits from the sale of Tofurkeys to Maple Farm Sanctuary!

March - Welcome Home Jitterbill!

We received a call from a couple who had purchased baby goats from us years ago when we were still milking goats. They provided a wonderful, loving home for a few baby goats that would normally go for meat. They had only one goat left and he was terribly lonely and this wonderful couple could no longer care for this goat. We agreed to take him back into our lives. Our new arrival’s name is Bill, which is short for JitterBill. He was very frightened about leaving the loving home he known for over 18 years and then being in a bouncing truck during transport to MFS. Bill appeared a bit dehydrated when he arrived so we gave him warm water and some fruit. With little fanfare Billy and Lucky (two other goats in the main barn) accepted him without the ritual of headbutting. He now shares a stall with Happy and they are best buddies!

May - Manicures and Pedicures!

Manicures and Pedicures! We recently had a day of nail and hoof trimming for the rabbits and goats. The rabbits had their nails trimmed recently by Kelly and Mary of StressLess In-Home Rabbit Grooming Service and The Rabbit Advocate. Thank you for donating your services and taking such good care of our bunnies!

Also thank you to Michelle and Erin, students at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in North Grafton, MA for their assistance in trimming the hooves of the Nigerian dwarf goats.

May - Yard Sale Fundraiser

On Saturday, May 2, 2009 we held our first Yard Sale Fundraiser at Maple Farm Sanctuary. Our volunteers came out in force to help out! Some of the took over the chores of cleaning the stalls and unloading a trailer load full of shavings, gave barn tours, dropped off tables and chairs, placed advertisements in the local paper, placed signs, collected and donated items, tagged items, helped display all the items and collect donations, brought us coffee and treats, made homemade vegan cupcakes, chai lattes and green smoothies!

You are all truly amazing people and we appreciate your generosity! What a wonderful day of people coming together to help the animals! We hope to have another yard sale soon.

October - Annual Open House Picnic

Neither rain nor snow could stop visitors from coming out to Maple Farm Sanctuary's 4th annual Picnic Fundraiser. On Sunday, October 18th, the farm attracted guests from far and wide to come partake in delicious food, listen to great music, and even cozy up by the fire at Maple Farm Sanctuary. Though the mid-October Nor'easter was a bit of a surprise, the support and love for the farm and all of the amazing animals was not!

The event kicked off at 1:00 and the party started right away! The food looked amazing and tasted even better. Large platters of veggies, hummus, warm homemade food, soup, cookies, coffee and soy hot chocolate were served to keep everyone toasty! Viva La Cake even created a four tiered chocolate cake drizzled with edible maple leaves!

Volunteers created two bonfires behind the main barn and guests began meandering down to keep warm and to listen to the band playing at the nearby tent. While the silent auction kicked off, there was a scenic nature walk through the vast acres that make up Maple Farm Sanctuary. As the fires heated everyone up, co-founder Cheri Ezell-Vandersluis shared her powerful story about how the farm came to be an animal sanctuary and the importance of animal rights. The event was also lucky enough to host Harold Brown, a former beef farmer and founder of FarmKind who has made the transition from animal based to plant based agriculture. Both speakers were inspiring and informative.

As the fields became covered with beautiful snow, the cows seemed at peace out in the pasture, and the event came to an end. The 4th Annual MFS Fundraiser would not have been a success without tremendous help from all of the volunteers and sponsors. Many thanks to all of those who came out to enjoy the day, some who even traveled from NH, ME, RI and even CT!


October - Boston Vegetarian Food Festival

A Special Thank You to the Boston Vegetarian Society for Offering Maple Farm a table to exhibit at the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival! With over 120 exhibitors, the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival was two full days (10/31 and 11/1) of fun, good food, and learning! The Festival offered a stellar lineup of national speakers and award-winning chefs. Full details:

September - NY Capital Region Vegetarian Expo

MFS was lucky enough to be offered a table at the NY Capital Region Vegetarian Expo, Saratoga Springs, NY on Saturday, September 19th, 2009. Our dedicated volunteers drove to New York and represented MFS at a table all day! Also special thanks to Dawn for sponsoring us at the event. We had a wonderful day and greatly appreciate your generosity and support!

September - Pet Rock Festival

Thanks to everyone who visited our MFS table at the Pet Rock Festival in Worcester, MA on September 13th. Also thanks to our volunteers who took a few hours during their day to represent us!

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